The self-conscious dancer
loves to move to the music
and feel the beat
but hates an audience.
Awkward in the spotlight,
in the shadows she is free.
No one to stare
no one to criticise
no one to tell her she's wrong again.
She dances to her own reality,
not one forced upon her.
In the dark her star shines in her own mind
society's harsh illumination
far from her thoughts.
Her awareness is dance
her steps are not judged
her grace is her own.
She turns
She twists
she reaches
she bends
she stretches
she pivots
she leaps
Her heartbeat is strong
the heartbreak of failure far gone.
Alone she is confident.
On edge if watched,
movements stilted and forced
Alone the senses are allowed to feel,
encouraged and expressed
a damaged soul healed.
